Friday, July 21, 2006

I Won't Look At You, Even If You Are A Bear

As a rule I don't look people in the eye when I talk to them. I realize sometimes people have a problem with it. It doesn't go over so well on dates, for example, or during my extensive one-on-one counseling at post-partum depression centers. Actually come to think of it no one has ever not had a problem with the fact that I hate looking at them squarely in the eye. They think I'm being shifty, dishonest, unsocial, or a dick; these people are racists.
So for most of my tortured life my personal crusade of not fucking looking at you has been like most worthwhile crusades a tremendous burden. And while other mild expressions of social phobia, say not shaking hands with people for instance, have been given carte blanch thanks to Donald Trump, eccentric Hollywood producers, and the Japanese my own personal Jesus of "I don't really like looking at you. Any of you," has remained in my personal life an explanation waiting its demand.
That is until I nearly got jumped by a bear.
Amid taking a hike through Rogue River National Forest (that's southern Oregon for you geological sediment enthusiasts) I stopped and unwrapped my fourth honey and ham sandwich of the day. As with the others I chucked the wrapper and the crust (bleh!) as well as part of the meat over my shoulder. Turned out I wasn't very hungry since about the second sandwich in but I let the natural capacity of my stomach tell me those sorts of things rather than the mind which as we all know can not be trusted, particularly when judging appetite. As I continued to walk quietly over the previously undisturbed pine needles of mother earth with only the shrill hark of the whistle I was keeping firmly planted near my left cheek breaking the silence all around me I began to hear a rumble of bushes just beyond the small layer of growth in front of me. It was the bear. Of course I couldn't have guessed at it with an iPod playing track 3, "Song 2", Best of Blur but I would soon find out.
This bear - I don't know bears, let's say it was a Kodiak - this magnificent, brutal creature whose slippery wet nose was scrunching and whiffing in a straight ahead manner must have picked up the scent of part of the ham still coyly resting on the tip of my bedroom slippers because one of its great paws took a cautious swipe at the air and a guttural moan came from the core of this gigantic specimen wholly outdoing anything coming out of Damon Albarn's twisted mouth. Gorillaz? Try Bears! The great beast had an intense funk and its fur was slightly wet but shimmered slightly from the peaking in of sunlight...actually you know what? Let's call this thing a Polar Bear. Again, bears- I don't know 'em. Polar Bears seem more dramatic though and this is after all a story even though IT HAPPENED! Plus that Pepsi commercial just came on the TV for some reason (that's like from 3 Super Bowls ago. Could've been Coke actually). Wrapping up.
The Giant talking Polar Bear descended his paw and sat rather luxuriously in front of me blocking my path forward. I'd actually more closely characterize its sluggish descent to the ground as oddly seductive. I know the only animals who have sex for pleasure are humans, dolphins, and monkeys but maybe put bears on that list judging from the way it flashed me it's package all of a hoot, polar bears anyway. The big bear stared at me for what felt like three hours but The Universal was the last song I remembered playing so it couldn't have been quite so long. But for however long this went on for I never looked it in the eye. Consequently, it didn't attack me.
Actually that's not true. It beat the hell out of me after about hour two. For no reason at all. It just really fucked me up for about ten minutes. I don't know how I survived but I did. Thank you Reese for typing this. Reese works at the post-partum center with me and is a really caring Vietnamese fellow. He likes it in the States even after the war and everything and I know that was a long time ago but still. Agent Orange my family and I'm not doing memos for some yellow in a Bangko....
Reese kinda took of. Surry. Had to get straw and some tapee ta finis dis. Kep short. Fuck Beers. Luk in eye, don't luk in eye...don't fuking matter. Sweet Jesus. Hurt all ova


Blogger alex said...

On the other hand, let no one repeat the absurd assertion that Freudism is a sort of religion bounded with dogmas and requiring an act of faith. calcium. S'posen you speak to viagra her 'bout it.. Leonard! For shame, Caroline, said her brother, how can you talk so of persons you have never seen, and to whom you ought to feel grateful for the kindness of their invitation; even if it ritalin has interfered with another party, that I must confess seems to offer unusual attractions.. Get up! exclaimed coreg Mr.. I won new laurels as a man of sense, flonase though a little unpunctual--and Dennis, alias Ingham, returned to the parsonage, astonished to see with how little wisdom the world is governed.. Governor Gorges had always been very kind to us; and when he gave lexapro his great annual party to the town, asked us.. There are heparin symbols which practically always have the same meaning: Emperor and Empress (King and Queen) always mean the parents; room, a woman[2], and so on.. He stood for a moment irresolute, for something was codeine happening to him.. A bargain's a bargain, an' I fosamax allus stick to one I make, and he virtuously took a chew of tobacco while he inspected the afternoon sky with a clear conscience.. But is it not vicodin carelessness on the part of this guardian to diminish its vigilance during the night and to allow the suppressed emotions of the Unc.. The lad ortho-evra flung himself sidewise, caught one chicken in his hat, while Babe fell upon the other in the manner of a football player.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and slipped quietly into celebrex the palmetto scrub.. With this the potassium peculiar detail of the hat was explained, and the whole interpretation was accepted by her.. We are provera all trustees of the New Coventry Academy; and there has lately been a good deal of feeling because the Sandemanian trustees did not regularly attend the exhibitions.. that he was attacked at prednisone night by a suspicious-looking individual...

9:25 AM, April 18, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

On the other hand, let no one repeat the absurd assertion that Freudism is a sort of religion bounded with dogmas and requiring an act of faith. actonel. S'posen you speak to ultram her 'bout it.. Leonard! For shame, Caroline, said her brother, how can you talk so of persons you have never seen, and to whom you ought to feel grateful for the kindness of their invitation; even if it rozerem has interfered with another party, that I must confess seems to offer unusual attractions.. Get up! exclaimed pseudoephedrine Mr.. I won new laurels as a man of sense, viagra though a little unpunctual--and Dennis, alias Ingham, returned to the parsonage, astonished to see with how little wisdom the world is governed.. Governor Gorges had always been very kind to us; and when he gave percocet his great annual party to the town, asked us.. There are soma symbols which practically always have the same meaning: Emperor and Empress (King and Queen) always mean the parents; room, a woman[2], and so on.. He stood for a moment irresolute, for something was viagra happening to him.. A bargain's a bargain, an' I amoxicillin allus stick to one I make, and he virtuously took a chew of tobacco while he inspected the afternoon sky with a clear conscience.. But is it not allegra carelessness on the part of this guardian to diminish its vigilance during the night and to allow the suppressed emotions of the Unc.. The lad amiodarone flung himself sidewise, caught one chicken in his hat, while Babe fell upon the other in the manner of a football player.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and slipped quietly into tetracycline the palmetto scrub.. With this the zantac peculiar detail of the hat was explained, and the whole interpretation was accepted by her.. We are cialis all trustees of the New Coventry Academy; and there has lately been a good deal of feeling because the Sandemanian trustees did not regularly attend the exhibitions.. that he was attacked at soma night by a suspicious-looking individual...

6:44 PM, April 19, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

On the other hand, let no one repeat the absurd assertion that Freudism is a sort of religion bounded with dogmas and requiring an act of faith. plavix. S'posen you speak to tylenol her 'bout it.. Leonard! For shame, Caroline, said her brother, how can you talk so of persons you have never seen, and to whom you ought to feel grateful for the kindness of their invitation; even if it bextra has interfered with another party, that I must confess seems to offer unusual attractions.. Get up! exclaimed trazodone Mr.. I won new laurels as a man of sense, lunesta though a little unpunctual--and Dennis, alias Ingham, returned to the parsonage, astonished to see with how little wisdom the world is governed.. Governor Gorges had always been very kind to us; and when he gave zyrtec his great annual party to the town, asked us.. There are fosamax symbols which practically always have the same meaning: Emperor and Empress (King and Queen) always mean the parents; room, a woman[2], and so on.. He stood for a moment irresolute, for something was thyroid happening to him.. A bargain's a bargain, an' I paxil allus stick to one I make, and he virtuously took a chew of tobacco while he inspected the afternoon sky with a clear conscience.. But is it not dopamine carelessness on the part of this guardian to diminish its vigilance during the night and to allow the suppressed emotions of the Unc.. The lad actonel flung himself sidewise, caught one chicken in his hat, while Babe fell upon the other in the manner of a football player.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and slipped quietly into calcium the palmetto scrub.. With this the percocet peculiar detail of the hat was explained, and the whole interpretation was accepted by her.. We are concerta all trustees of the New Coventry Academy; and there has lately been a good deal of feeling because the Sandemanian trustees did not regularly attend the exhibitions.. that he was attacked at zantac night by a suspicious-looking individual...

11:49 PM, April 20, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

11:17 PM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not at all easy in this case to demonstrate the fulfillment of a wish, but in all cases of this kind there is a second problem, the solution of which helps also to solve the first.. 's speech in the dream.. This done, she stood him on his feet before Mrs. the unsolved; 3, that which has been rejected and suppressed during the day.. Polly had initiated him in the mysteries of a discovery of mine, that it is not necessary to finish your sentence in a crowd, but by a sort of mumble, omitting sibilants and dentals.. It was practical ends that impelled us, in these diseases, to fathom their origin and formation.. If I lived anywhere near a canal--a long canal, I mean, this one is too short--I'd-- Come, come now, interrupted Buller.. My grandfather lived upon one of the small islands, St.. Innumerable instances of such dreams of the infantile type can be found among adults also, but, as mentioned, these are mostly exactly like the manifest content. I am not sure it was not part of the charm to have a rustic femme incomprise as a client.. These very incomplete suggestions may suffice to stimulate others to make a more careful collection.. Against this immoderate wish there arose a powerful defensive impulse.. HOW THE WIDOW WON THE DEACON By William James Lampton ( -1917) [From Harper's Bazaar, April, 1911; copyright, 1911, by Harper & Brothers; republished by permission.. Little by little the light dawned on the ex-horse-trader.. The logical chains which hitherto held the psychical stuff together become lost in this transformation to the dream content.. 'Then I reckon shootin' must be one of those habits,' said Pinkey, coolly.. The respective husbands of these two ladies exchanged a mere glance, no more, of comfort.. The answer was duly placed, and as duly carried to Miss Bangle by her accomplice, Joe Englehart, an unlucky pickle who was always for ill, never for good, and who found no difficulty in obtaining the letter unwatched, since the master was obliged to be in school at nine, and Joe could always linger a few minutes later.. Podington smiled with a superior smile. The very tall figures--draped in a peculiar manner--with beaks, I had taken from the illustrations of Philippson's bible; I believe they represented deities with heads of sparrowhawks from an Egyptian tomb relief...

11:35 AM, September 02, 2007  

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