Monday, March 07, 2005

Clinton's bed for Bush

You had me at "middle-class tax relief."

Get your mind out the gutter!

This is adorable, really. Bush takes the Serta mattress while Clinton drapes a queen sized comforter over the bed that is his autobiography for a sound nights sleep. No word on how the previous night unfolded but my money's on a creamy mushroom sauce over warm angel hair, a mid-priced cabarnet, something from the Carey Grant collection like Arsenic and Old Lace, then quite folk guitar originals from Bill's truly as George sit's quietly in the corner pretending not to be suddenly and utterly in fucking love. Am I reading too much into this? Maybe this whole red state/blue state unity act's got some legs. Wake up and smell the bipartisanship team America. Tom Delay and Obama just went in on a time share together. Chuck Hegel is pulling back Ted Kennedy's hair after a few too many Alabama slammers. To think it only took the world's worst natural disaster in two centuries to get the polticians back on the same team for the following few months immediately after the busiest calendar period of an election cycle. To think.


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