Monday, March 07, 2005


In my first installment of Other Me's we pay a visit to the Michael Neal who kicks more ass than me and that's not just metaphorically speaking. Here's what's important to know: He's a 10th Degree Black Belt. He has done community events in schools, and seminars and demonstrations in college's. He's an ordained minister. His wife's name is Donna and he has 7 children. Boing! Seven! Poor Donna. She clearly has no defense manuever to combat her husbands lethal Saturday morning wood-grip. Michael is also THE Representative for the W.C.M.A.A. (World Christian Martial Arts Association in case that acronym sounds vague and unfamiliar). In other words "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" will never be confused for a sexually explicit double entendre in this Neal household. Seriously though this guy's a walking Professional wrestling gimmick. Vince McMahon probably spent half his adult life trying to cultivate an image for Triple HHH and it's not even half as good as "Minister of Defense" Michael Neal. After his finishing move a quick gesture to the Lord and on cue the crowd shouts back "Let Us Pray." If you're a fan of HBO's Carnivale you've got an idea where this is going once his character turns heel.


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