Sunday, March 06, 2005

Television analysis

Jessica reaching for her muse or at least her hair stylist while on the set of Dukes of Hazzard: the (gasp) movie.

Last Friday I got an email from my friend Martin Cassidy. He's a mean hombre. I've seen him strech ten's into twenty's with just a pocket knife and some real attitude. Anyway here is his synopsis of last Thursday nights Dukes of Hazzard rerun:

Last night on Dukes of Hazzard Boss Hogg convinced Uncle Jesse to make some
illegal moonshine to enter into a government contest to develop a fuel which
could run a combustion engine.
Anyway Bo and Luke and Hogg start going off on the Arabs controlling the
country with oil, and that convinces Jesse it would be patriotic to make the
moonshine, even though it violates Bo and Luke's probation. Boss Hogg
secretly plans to screw over Uncle Jesse.
It was interesting because Hogg mentioned moonshine runs that he and Jesse
made together when they were young. I never appreciated that they were once
tight as two tick hounds on the fourth of July.
Anyway double damn, Bo and Luke are on probation and they were caught making
the moonshine by a pretty revenue agent.
They take her drinking, and at the end the narrator implied that Bo was
going to bang her if he hadn't already.
Anyway Boss Hogg doesn't keep his deal and sends Roscoe to steal the
moonshine and so Boss Hogg can take the credit, but Bo and Luke filled jugs
up with water that Roscoe steals when he arrests them. Meanwhile the actual
moonshine is in Uncle Jesse's gas tank running his car!!!
At the end Boss Hogg is humiliated when he pours the water into the engine,
and the government agent judging the contest sees the amazing fuel
possibilities of Uncle Jesse's moonshine, but irks Uncle Jesse when he said
it needs to be studied in Washington for feasibility.
Roscoe and the federal agent (who is hot) chase Uncle Jesse's car until it
runs out of moonshine, and then the Dukes have these big shit eating grins
because they burned up the evidence!.I love it, I love it. The agent faints
when she sniffs Uncle Jesse's gas tank, and Bo picks her up, sure to drop
his hammer later that night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way most best selling bastard authors and up and coming lesbian songwriters read, write, and perform is atrocious and totally evil. Those little four eyed NYT profiled nittwits publishing their second rate roman a clef's with barely veiled versions of their family life. I can do that.
It's so facile, like a circus animal who can shit the Corrections in New Roman Bold.
Also no more profiles on girls with books piled on their floors.
I'm serious, next time the freaking whip comes down.

12:10 AM, March 21, 2005  

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